Meet my newest friends! Mew1 and Mew2. They were left on the side of road in a box filled with newspaper. Guess whom ever left them there thought if they got bored they could read the paper. Come on moron, they're a little young to read. A little food and water might have been a good thought!
A home and a hug, some food and some love. Do you know anyone that might be looking for a little girl and boy....... please give SAVES a call if you can help!
Talk about being on the road! Those two were some lucky, this guy not so much. My brother rescued this guy after being run over on Route 5 . SAVES has seen alot of different types of animals but this little Painted Turtle was a first. Strangest darn thing, when ever I look at him his head disappears! His shell is healing and his leg is getting stronger. He was very lucky!
I think the Spring makes all of us a little crazy. So many months indoors...... I almost didn't recognize my sister, she sure grew some hair over the winter!
On a more serious note, remember now that it is getting warmer.... heat can kill! Heat stroke is a real threat for us dogs, especially black ones like myself. I'm like many other dogs that don't know when to stop. I love to run and chase sticks or jog with my sister but sometimes it is just so hot and I can't cool myself like you humans can. Swimming can be a great way to keep cool this summer but please remember, not all dogs can swim and we should always be supervised in case we get into trouble. Swift moving water is dangerous to you as well as your dog. Pools are fun also but lead your pet to the stairs so he or she knows how to get out. Drowning risks are just as common for pets as they are for you humans.
Remember also that cars can be 20-40 degrees warmer then the outside temperature. It is better to leave us home (I can't believe I am saying this) when the temperature warms up then risk us overheating in the car.
Signs of heat stroke can be extreme panting, staggering, vomiting, and diarrhea. As the stroke progresses your pet could go into a coma and not survive. If you suspect your pet is coming down with heat stroke time is of the essence. Use cool towels to cover him on the way to your veterinarian. Be careful that you don't lower his temperature so far that you cause hypothermia though. Monitor his temperature with a digital rectal thermometer (pick one up at the drug store, the same as you would use but don't put it in our mouth) and don't let it get below 102 degree fahrenheit. Once he arrives at the veterinarian, intravenous fluids will be adminisitered and medications to help support his recovery. Heat can kill. Remember if you jog with your dog, do it early in the morning before the day heats up and feel the asphalt, many a dogs feet have been burned on hot pavement. All your pets should have easy access to nice cool water all the time.
So many fun events are coming up this summer. Next Saturday, June 11th, in Hartland is a Green Mountain Disc Dog Event. SAVES will be there watching these amazing dogs and their owners compete! At the end of the month is a fundraising event for the Visiting Nurses Alliance and Hospice of NH and VT called the Furry Scurry. This fun event will take place in White River Junction Vt. on June 30th at the Dothan Brook School. Registration begins at 5pm and the walk starts at 6pm. I'm going to be their along with the staff from SAVES and Stonecliff Animal Clinic of NH! This is going to benefit the Pet Peace of Mind Program that has been developed to help hospice patients care for their pets. Your participation in this walk will help raise funds to pay for food and veterinary care for some very deserving pets. Hope to see you there! I'm really going to try and behave myself so please stop and say hi!
SAVES is planning their 1 year anniversary with a grand open house!. We are hoping for the last weekend in July! Do you know anyone that has a pet related business or talent that would like to participate in this fun day. Please call SAVES and join the fun.
Tata for now!
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