Monday, April 2, 2012


Happy Spring everyone! Typically in the spring,  SAVES staff report that dietary indiscretion and complications from such become a big problem. Now that the snow is gone and you are spending more time outside with your pets, many disgusting (that is what you humans call it) things are being ingested. We love to eat things that smell, especially if they have been "cooking" all winter! My mom caught me with a dead crow in my mouth yesterday. Well guess what? By this morning I woke my dad up at 4am with a rumbling in my tumbling! Yep, diarrhea, vomiting, you name it.
Vomiting and diarrhea can become life-threatening very quickly. Dehydration is dangerous! If your pet has diarrhea, vomiting or both don't wait long to have him seen by your veterinarian. The road to recovery is much shorter with supportive therapy then waiting until dehydration becomes a factor. If your pet vomits after drinking water, has loose skin that when gentle pinched stays upright and slowly returns flat against his body, lack of urine output, sunken eyes, dry gums he may be headed to the land of dehydration. Don't wait, seek help immediately!
Tata for now!

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