Thursday, March 3, 2011

first aid, life-saving tips

Would you know what to do if your best friend was hurt? Did you know many common emergencies can turn deadly without the proper immediate care?
On  Sunday March 6th 4:00 pm – 8:00pm and Sunday April 17th 10:00 am – 2:00 pm  S.A.V.E.S. is very pleased to announce a Red Cross endorsed first aid and CPR course will be held at the Canine Club (training area adjacent to the S.A.V.E.S. emergency hospital). Michelle Grimes, owner of K-9 Insights and authorized American Red Cross Pet First Aid Instructor (and a really nice technician at Stonecliff Animal Clinic in West Lebanon) will be holding this really informative class.
Purpose: To teach individuals basic first aid techniques for dogs and cats due to common illness, injury, or a life-threatening condition.

Course Objectives: Participants should be able to:

 Explain how and when to call for emergency assistance for an injured pet

 Understand how to find out what is "normal" for their pet

 Identify signals of breathing emergencies, including choking, and demonstrate how to provide care

 Identify signals of cardiac arrest and demonstrate how to provide care

 Identify life-threatening bleeding and demonstrate how bleeding can be controlled

 Identify signals of various injuries and demonstrate how to care for them

 Identify signals of sudden illness, poisoning, seizures, heat & cold emergencies. Describe how to care for them

 Describe when and how to move an injured pet

 Describe components of a good "pet friendly" first aid kit

Additional information about this class can be found at Michelle's website K-9 Insights . Each participant will receive a certificate from the Red Cross and a manual (you choose either dog or cat) titled American Red Cross Pet First Aid. Be safe, be prepared!
And last but of course not least I am running a contest for this week! The first person to email me at ,  put "Oli" in the subject line of your email with the correct answer will receive a fabulous prize! Hint: the answer can be found in my blog:
Who was the first to show up at S.A.V.E.S open house when the hospital tours began? Good Luck and Tata for now!

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