Monday, October 10, 2011

There are so many dangers for pets in and around automobiles. The sun can turn the inside of a car into an oven very quickly, even on a cool day. A leaking radiator could leave a puddle of sweet tasting antifreeze, a deadly sip indeed. Running in front of a moving vehicle can maim and kill....... ugggg

Each day at the emergency hospital S.A.V.E.S., my dad and the other doctors see so many injuries from pets and their interactions with the four tired monster. Just a short while ago the lone survivor of a fatal car accident was brought to the hospital by ambulance. This dog had survived a horrific tragedy and it got me thinking about those things you call seat belts.
My family all buckle up each time we go somewhere. Signs on the highway say "click-it or ticket". So what about us, your favorite companion!
I did a little research and found that the American Veterinary Medical Association recommends car restraints in the way of harnesses and carriers. Paws to Click, a national initiative to educate pet owners on the real dangers of car travel claim every 18 minutes an car accident occurs due to a loose pet in a vehicle. Ninety-eight percent of dogs travel unleashed and 30,000 accidents a year are caused by pets being in the front seat!
So if your pet travels with you unrestrained (I do so far), they could be killed by the airbags going off, crashing through a window or windshield, or any of a number of different scenarios that are all really scary.  But the most important thing to remember, know your equipment. There are many, many harnesses sold that actually can't withstand even 10% of the crash force that may occur when you stop suddenly or get into an accident. Harnesses bearing the "complies with V9DT" logo on the product packaging are the only harnesses that have minimum durability standards for pet harnesses. Visit the V9DT for more information and Bergan Product Development Team to locate a store near you that carries these types of harnesses. I know my mom has been looking and she has found a store in New London called Unleashed (find them on  Facebook ) that carries them locally. I hope she goes there because I may not be as lucky as the poor fellow who survived that terrible crash. :(
tata for now

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