Wednesday, October 3, 2012


your hanover, NH emergency veterinarian
Just got back from my very favorite place in the whole wide world! West Lebanon Feed and Supply that is, owned by two of my very favorite people, Sharon and Curt Jacques. I'm styling my new neck ware (and my old collar, I can't decide which one to wear).
Seriously though, without identification I could wander away and never find my family again. Tags are so important and so is a microchip. Homeagain, the company that my dad uses for microchips says that 1 in 3 pets goes missing during its lifetime, and without identification 90% never return home. I love wearing my collar but I also have a microchip in case my collar falls off.
The ASPCA claims that many of the strays brought to humane societies are actually lost pets. Approximately 5 to 7 million companion pets enter humane societies each year in the United States, and 3 to 4 million (60% of dogs, and 70% of cats) are euthanized according to the ASPCA. What if your pet wanders away without any identification on let alone permanent identification such as a microchip and is brought to a humane society.......
become stylish my friends....
Tata for now